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A dollar bill is shown trapped between two plastic plates. The plastic plates have been fastened with rubber bands and a padlock has been locked through a corner of the plastic plates and the bill. A spectator is asked to initial the bill through a hole in the top piece of plastic. Then the magician borrows another dollar bill and signs it.


The spectator is now given the bill which is padlocked between the plastic plates to hold. A handkerchief is placed over the bill and the spectator's hand. The magician places the borrowed bill under the handkerchief and instantly brings it back out again. When the spectator checks the signature, he's amazed to see that this is the bill that was locked up in the plastic! When the bill in the plastic is unlocked by the spectator, it is dicovered to be the borrowed bill!


SKU: JO-0006
$20.50 Regular Price
$14.35Sale Price
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