Touch, squeeze or press anything and it becomes a Radio.... yes, real FM Radio sounds from ANYTHING.
Your hands are always totally empty, yet the Radio sounds really do seem to come from the object you're holding. It's so easy to do, and you've got NOTHING to palm, hide or get rid of.
Your hands are always empty. Nothing to palm, hide or ditch - you are totally clean.
Always ready to go and you can perform this at a moments notice and totally impromptu.A unique easy to perform effect - whether your are a novice or seasoned professional in magic - INSTANT RADIO is so easy, reliable and practical to perform that you can concentrate 100% on your presentation without worrying about complex handling.
You'll be using this within 15 minutes and once set-up INSTANT RADIO will be ready at a moments notice. The easy to use, reliable and universal intuitive switching system is a pleasure use - a dream to activate - and has been widely praised by magicians worldwide..... and it's not an uncomfortable irritating 'Toe Switch'.
Activates instantly without any apparent movement and the revolutionary scanning feature ensures you get real FM Radio sounds in a heartbeat.
Instant Radio Version2 - a lot of technology and wizardry packed into a tiny little package!Your hands are always totally empty, yet the Radio sounds really do seem to come from the object you're holding. It's so easy to do, and you've got nothing to palm, hide or get rid of.
The illusion is perfect, and you'll instantly be getting incredible audience reactions with Instant Radio Ver2!
Anything & everything you touch can turn into an authentic Radio! Touch, press or squeeze anything and transform it into a Radio! All made possible with the aid of modern electronics. You'll hear Music & real FM Radio from anywhere and anything!
Hands are always absolutely and completely empty! Always ready, nothing to pre-set.
Let them hear it…… put your hand or the object to the spectator’s ear – they’ll swear the sound is coming directly from there! Much improved technology – much more convincing.
Squeeze a sponge ball and hear the sounds of a Radio – then squeeze it again to turn it off.
Take a Matchbox, 'catch some airwaves' and then stun your audience as you open the drawer to reveal real FM Radio! Close the matchbox and it stops!
Cup both your hands together and ‘catch some airwaves’ – the sound of the Radio really does seem to come straight from your bare hands! That’s what makes this so remarkable – better than any previous inferior models.
Have your Business Card printed with a red button on it, or with a picture of a Radio printed on the back. Give out your card after performing 'Instant Radio' by pressing the button!!!
Integrate Instant Radio Ver2 into any and all of your effects & routines, close-up, Table hopping, Kids shows, clowning .... even stage"
This is one effect you will carry with you regularly and we guarantee you’ll have so much fun with it.
Use it with ANYTHING!
You'll soon be making everything come to life!CLOSE-UP • WALK AROUND • RESTAURANT •SHOWS • TRADE SHOWS • CLOWNS •TABLE HOPPING • IMPROMPTU........ and even ON STAGE!
This is one effect you will carry with you regularly and we guarantee you’ll have so much fun with it. Use it with ANYTHING! You'll soon be making everything come to life!
Makes a great start to your close-up routine – a perfect ice-breaker and attention grabber for walk round, close-up workers, street magic, restaurant workers.... infact all types of magicians....
Easy to use - you'll be using this just 15-20 minutes after some minimal handling - and no skill required. UNIQUE ACTIVATION SYSTEM You'll love the unique and innovative 'Cushionair' switch design - making 'Instant Radio' simple and a pleasure to use. Sure-fire, natural, trouble-free, undetectable and reliable. More user friendly, set-up is a breeze and no more wires down your pants!!!<P>Will not go off accidentally. Under your complete control at all times. Plays only when you want it to. Sets up in seconds. Can remain set up all day and is discreet, reliable and totally unobtrusive - but ready to perform anytime and instantly! You'll even fool yourself!. Your hands are always empty - genuinely. You can perform this totally surrounded and in any conditions. There's nothing to hide. Always ready and can be performed ‘totally impromptu’ without any pre-setting, fiddling or preparation.You'll be using this within 15-20 minutes of handling practice. Used by skilledASY & QUICK TO USE professionals through to complete beginners, limited only by your imagination, and soooooo EASY TO USE!
Comes complete with fully detailed and comprehensive 16 page colour instruction book, tough protective traveling/carry case, Cushionair Switch * Adjustagrip Switch Housing * Large resin Radio Dial * Radio design business card. All fully equipped and ready to go!
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